And as usual i started thinking about the differences between the two. The most salient being that in Bruce Almighty, God gives the guy all his powers, but he cannot use it to change a MAn's "free will". In other words Bruce cannot make some one love him. Because he has no power over Man's free will.
And this made me start on Man's free will.
Isn't everything that happens, or at least majority that happen's by man's free will?
Suppose i want my boss to give me a car, or a particular girl to love me, wouldn't that be on some one's free will? will be the Girl's Free will to love me or not.....My bosses free will to give me a car or not.....
So GOD can't infulence their decision in my favour. May be he can do things which are not in Man's will, like may be throw a stone on some one, or make a bridge on sea, but for everything in which a man is involved, his will is involved.
If such is the case, would any one's praying to GOD for a car or Love, matter?
Then what do u pray about..
That he doesn't drop a mountain on ur head, and let u live? Or give you a car by conjuring it out of thin air?
But killing you is also against your will...unless you are suicidal, killing you is against your will to live.
So either we don't have free will to choose, or there's no use praying.
My mom used to say, you don't pray for yourself, but you pray for others, that may god give others...
And i think, its the best way, when you are handing your will to GOD, so that he can go ahead and do anything he wants, wherever you fit in to the scheme of things.
Giving you two pills and asking you to choose between them, is not actually giving you a choice, if you can calculate all the series of events each will lead to, till you die. And why not,
lets try a theoritical experiment in a test tube.
I put a cockroach in a test tube. It cannot turn. The air in the test tube will last for 1 minute.
And then i do nothing. Just wait and watch.
If i say that i have given a choice to cockroach to move or not to move, will i be wrong? I don't think so.
Can i calculate all the paths that a cockroach can take in one minute. Yes i can.
Given a time frame of one minute, and a chance of starting or stopping, can i calculate all the things that it can do in the tube. Yes, I can.
So whatever the cockroach does, can be known? Yes it can be known.
Can it be predicted, No, it cannot be predicted, if you are just watching the situation. But it can be known.
In other words, all the possible outcomes in a sitation can be known given enough computing power, but they cannot be predicted, the sequence, that what will happen when.
And suppose, you use the same equation on GOD, and Man,
Yes God can see all the moves you can have , but he cannot predict it, as he dosen't have control over your free will, and neither can he read your will.
Or he would have known that CAIN will kill ABLE. That people will make mistakes.
I have a semblene of though here....but i am losing the i am sitting in the office and writing this along with the rest of my work. But i think i have something here, that needs to be revisited.
Then how is he omnipotent and omnipresent?