Thursday, November 22, 2012

Moral Arbitrage

If you have ever asked, "Why me lord", here is a post.

Well all of us have our world view or as Germans will call it Weltanschauung, which tells us how to work around in the world, what will work and what will not, including if the world is going to hell. Most of it is based on 3 things

  • Parents
  • Books and Teachings, including religion
  • Our own observations.

All of the above make a core of your world view, which is your philosophy of the world. You might hate the term philosophy, but you have it.

So if you combine your answers to all the questions and the little rules that you follow in dealing with people, its a philosophy. collate all the knowledge you have that makes understanding people and the world possible, its a philosophy. Is there a GOD? Is there a heaven or a hell? What actions are GOOD? What happens when we die? Is the world fair? Why do we suffer? Was Sholay a good movie? etc.

If you are not a philosopher by vocation, You might be under two impressions

  • You have a unique philosophy
  • You donot have a philosophy
If you are a philosopher, you might have a name for your type which might sound something like "platonic existentialist  Jansenist fideism"

If YOU Are Not a Philosopher

if you are not a philosopher, In both the above cases, you might be wrong. Because most of your belief on what is good and what is not good has come from this world, and the society. 

So you might not even know it, but there is a label for it out there, as well as a big name associated with it as well as a big critique too, on why it is wrong. If it really was a new one, you would be too miserable to even carry on daily life, as you would be engrossed in your own thoughts trying to find answers. 

If you find these answers, then you will have followers. If you don't have answers, you might be sitting in front of a closed laptop, thinking what is the purpose of this laptop. why should i go online. what should i try to accumulate knowledge. what is knowledge.. what is the purpose of life..and so on. You can see where its going. 

It is very much possible that you are stuck somewhere in the above paragraph, and will never reach this sentence.

Because Philosophy is like the bacteria that lives in the gut. Its the good kind of bacteria, and we all need it. But if it grows out of control, you are sick, and if it cleans out, you are sick. In this case not physically but mentally. and virtually any kind of sickness is a sickness if it shortens your life span or obstructs the normal functioning of life.

If you think, you do not have  or follow a philosophy, thats easy. You are just poorly read, and a quick jog to the book store and a flip through "sophie's world by jostein gaarder", " The story of philosophy, by will durant", should fill in the gaps and let you find your label. But i would caution you that just read the labels, and not the critiques or else you might fall into an existential abyss, and not recover.

It will also make you feel good about yourself,as now you would be able to pepper your conversations with words like Utilitarianism, nihilistic, jurisprudence etc. This will sharply define your image as an intellectual (Good) as well as push people and chicks away from you (Bad).

And don't you worry as most of these philosophies are a lot of gobbledygook where the major differences in opinion are where should the comma be placed and likes. 

For instance a great deal of the centuries were spent over "if a soul exists". Now then a lot of very intelligent people will come up with every possible answer like in this case yes and no. Then they would go ahead and form two philosophical thought streams.

Once that was done with, the question came "where does it exist" and so on and so forth. Each of these answers would form a school of thought, and every answer is acceptable. So you can say "soul is in everything" and you would be following animism." you could say that our intellect is the soul, and you would be aristotle. You could say that the breath is the soul, and you would be a believer in "aatman" 

Since most of the learned people were following ideas from Greek and Latin  and continuing from there, they also wrote in these languages and so, a lot of terms were coined in these languages. So you have terms like "Psyche", "forms" "essence" ,"animism", "intellect", "substance" and many more.

Like if you believe in one god and based on geography you could be "abrahamic ", "vedantic" or something else. If you think there are many Gods then you might be following "pantheistic" philosophy and chances in all certainty are "pagan"

So most of you think that you don't have a philosophy because you don't know Greek. If you knew Greek, most probably phoenician would have been the language of philosophy, but thats another discussion. This is the same with sciences, where to put a layman off, we have terms like Homo sapiens. If these terms were coined in plain English, you would already know it! then why would you pay for knowing these terms? I mean there are people in western world taking courses and paying thousands to know words like "atman" and "dharma", while you got it for free. Isn't it? So its okay if you don't know sciences either which is more greek except sciences also use greek alphabets like "alpha", "omega" and sorts.

This was just done by early scientists to give credence to their scientific efforts in converting objects to Gold as a proper science. This idea of writing in greek alphabets was also picked up later by people with radical proposals like earth moves around sun, so that they are not clobbered to death by common people and clergy.

You might wonder how, but its pretty simple. Common people didn't read Greek.

Clergy read greek, but to them a formula like below, really confused them

\tau=\mu \frac{\partial u}{\partial y}.

You see, they simply read it as T=m(du/dy)...which looked like something written about some guy named Dudy, and not a formula relating to viscosity and so the scientists flew under the scanner. Some times some scientists were foolish enough to write in plain Italian or something, and at that time were promptly burnt at the stake.

Did you know that when Aristotle said physics, it actually came from "physis" which means nature. And talked of natural world. "Psyche" of psychology  actually means soul.

This was also a brilliant way in which scientists used to fool the clergy. So say a scientist would ask Galileo about his trade, and if Galileo said scientist, he would not have lasted long. But if he said Physicist  then the clergy would be on their way thinking he was a simple folk who loved nature and plants etc.

I mean if you look at management, which the Greeks didn't write about much, you will find that the Terms in management sound like "five forces model", "balanced scorecard", "Branding" where you can understand what they mean. I mean you at least have a vague idea, that balanced score card would be something to do with balance and a score card. right! Sadly now a lot of fight even in management is also about placing of commas, where some one would write a paper expounding why a "Value Chain" framework is Dead and instead they should go with a new methodology, where the same wine will be poured in a new bottle. 

 Since the older times didn't have television or radio, they had to write an awfully lot of books and letters to convince and tell people of what they thought. so the entire conversation happened over a lot of books and letters. Something like Blogs, which are the modern parallel. Imagine if you didnot have phone, and you had to fight with your girlfriend with a bunch of letters, and then some one was collecting those letters and publishing them in a book. something like that.

So by now you know that you follow a philosophy, and that it has some unpronounceable name, most probably in Greek and since you don't speak Greek and so you don't know its name.
By now you also agree that there are a lot of books and letters which are out there, which you would want to read but since there is a lot of greek and latin in them which you don't read, you are not reading them.

arbitrage ( /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices.

simply put, you buy milk in mumbai for 35 rupees a litre, and sell it in delhi where the rate is 40 rupees a litre, and if your transport and other costs are less than 5 rupees, you will make a profit by arbitrage. That is you will make a profit because of the imbalance that exists between the markets. You can call it better sourcing. 

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Our Opinion of the Gods, and our Knowledge of men

 It has taken us 2500 years to reach the same thought process, and build the same society. Its almost like we were not moving ahead, but moving back trying to reclaim the past. The same enemies ( persians), the same education system (sophists) the same wars and the same philosophies. its history repeating itself.

It took 2000 years for the western thought to create a religion, and the concept of religion, and then grind it to the ground.

If you did not know, there is no word in chinese, hebrew or sanskrit which equals the word religion. all the words, which we now use to denote religion, in the western sense were once used to denote some other concept, and came to mean what they do, by improper usage. Even christanity has brought up the word religion, and started thinking in this sense in last 400 years.

Because most of the older world did not think that they were Following a certain religion. Because every one from their land was a believer. Those who didnot believe or follow their life as per the book, were foreigners and were referred as "foreigners" instead of non-believers.

In the last 2000 years, christianity rose. Then the western world took 500 years to find Aristotle. 
Then 700 more years for the rest of the Greeks, and make them widely available. and once the Greeks were studied and grasped, they became fascinated. In the next 300 years, reformation. In the next 300 years, disbelief. And since the last 200 years, choice, as before that you were almost certainly going to be killed if you said something against GOD.

If you compare the rise of greek philosophy, and then kind of Unzip fill up 2000 years, the pattern you will find is our world.

The same old Hellenic religions, coming of the scientists, a wide variety of discussions and faiths, plato and aristotle, and then gradually, moving away from GOD.

Below is an excerpt from a book written over 2300 years ago. And notice the words in bold where he talks of "opinion of GODS"...not belief, knowledge, faith...but opinion. You were allowed to have opinion on GOD 2300 years ago, and that is where we are right now in cultural development. Still today more people will talk of belief in God, but their action will tell you that they have an opinion. Because at any time, a belief in God, and its fury would eradicate crime and unjustice. And this has never happened in the history of man. There always have been people with opinion on God than belief.

In fact we are worse off. The world population In pre-christian era was under 50 million. Which is like 5 major world cities of today. If you compare the ratio on though vs population, you will realize that per capita, we are more ignorant and poorer in terms of thought or average quality of life.

Think of Corporate social responsibility, which is plato. Think of "with great power, comes great responsibility", the thought is Plato/Socrates. The words have changed but now more than ever

In essense, from 100, we went back to zero and then came back up to 100 in terms of philosophical though in 2500 years, but we also invented a lot of fancy words and sciences. Because we could. we are a planet of 6 billion while they were a planet of 50 million.

Here is an excerpt from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War.

Our aims and our actions are perfectly consistent with the beliefs men hold about the gods and with the principles which govern their own conduct. Our opinion of the gods and our knowledge of men lead us to conclude that it is a general and necessary law of nature to rule whatever one can. This is not a law that we made ourselves, nor were we the first to act upon it when it was made. We found it already in existence, and we shall leave it to exist forever among those who come after us."

     The Melians offer an alternative view of law and a rational defense of more conventional notions of justice:
" is at any rate useful that you should not destroy a principle that is to the general good of all men - namely, that in the case of all who fall into danger there should be such a thing as fair play and just dealing...This is a principle which affects you as much as anybody, since your own fall would be visited by the most terrible vengeance and would be an example to the world."
In other words, laws exist to protect the weak and vulnerable. The powerful adhere to the law out of self-interest, because, one day, they may need to appeal to its protection.