Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bangle è Bello

I have never liked mumbai girls in Particular. I always use to feel that the girls here are different, but I never knew why. Same was the case in MICA.
I was in a class with 9 girls, but never liked them either. There is something different about them, and I had never been able to put my finger on it. Even in my office
Where I have to work next to them, something has been different.
I just went out for a cup of tea, and when I was coming back I saw a couple disembark in the Parking lot of a nearby call centre. And I don’t know after how long I heard a sound that’s sooooooo Indian, and so feminine. A sound that I couldn’t hear in the quite of MICA neither the cacophony of bombay. It was a sweet peal. Just a faint sound made by glass bangles on the girl’s right hand. Something like that that is so normal and everyday, that when its not there, you don't notice it.
And as if one small voice, a faint peal, explained it all. It was music. I smiled. Life is really beautiful. La vita è bella.Bangle is beautiful. Il Bangelo è bello.

1 comment:

Aparna Mudi said...

hmmm thats the only other piece of jewellery i ever wear...bangles....but not glass...silevr ones...