Friday, February 20, 2009

Narcissus and nietzche

there was a time when
He had time to look deep into the abyss
and the abyss used to gaze back at him
when narcissus was young
and love was full of possibilities
when he was immortal,
and the world was big,
when people were different,
and din't expect out of him

Its a myth that he was cursed
his mind was fairly intelligent
he could go long on a philosophical journey
and the chap was considered brilliant.

Once he went in to such a trance 
thinking on the way of the world,
trying to understand it, crack it
thoughts in the abyss twirled.

the thought turned upon himself
as he realized,
that how we see this world 
is just within our eyes
T'is just a reflection of a reflection
on the mirror of the mind,
which shows it through a hinted tint
if you hate it or are kind

poor chap got this thought
when he was having a drink
gazing at his image in the water
he began to think
It all starts with me,
It all ends here
Its me causing the ripples
The water is pretty clear
he kept trying to remove the stain
in which his mind colored the world

His persiverance knew no bounds
as time passed and his end was near.
then too he kept on working at it,
but he was hades' dear,
the God took him across the Styx
his sould trapped in a cage.
The abyss twirled undeciphered
getting deeper with rage

The people of old realized it
and tried to shun the thought
nothing good comes of introspection
was the message passed on

since then Narcissus, is known as is today
The poor man's misery 
never to happen again.
was locked in lies and drowned in deceit
so that no one should gain

Nietzsche stumbled on the thought
on his journey through
then his way was different
so the abyss still gazes back at you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I Love this one. Don't tell me u wrote that! lol