Sunday, January 23, 2011

innocent until proven guilty

I was reading the newspaper today, and some gal had accused a guy of rape [story here]. But he girl's name had been changed to protect her identity, and the guy's name was quoted correctly.

I wonder that if the girl's name had to be protected so that she doesn't lose face in the society, why was the same hand not extended to the guy. what if tomorrow he is acquitted as happened in this case? Why was protecting his identity not important?

Isn't he innocent until proven guilty? and if there is a chance that he did it, isn't there also a chance that the girl might be lying? shouldn't there be a law or something about it?

who makes these decisions? why is it that a girl by default is correct just because she has accused some one of something? Isn't it just an accusation? But the guys name's splashed around the paper, a kind of punishment even before the trial has begun?

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