Friday, December 09, 2005

mobius strip

right now attended the design lecture...and guess what.It was damn boring. We had the faculty from NID and she wasted like 3 hours just in introduction and stuff. We were asked to make structure from 2 papers a 4 size and that should hold the weight of a brick.Then from 1 a4 size paper we were asked to make a bridge that can hold the weight of a glass, and then from another a4 size paper a strip 3 feet long.
Pretty easy and childish tasks, surely not worth 2lac50thou rupees.

But again my wandering mind kept on analysinz me and then out came the answer.

I am very much like a mobius strip. At first glance i will look like a normal loop, but when you keep exploring me on one surface you end up on the inner loop....and the loop is infinite.

So where most of the people have the inner and the outer loop seperate, just a twist in my mind has made me into a single infinite surface entity. And when you pass through the twist in the loop....thats a bit discomforting and will leave you pretty much confused. But there is no other side to me...what is the inner surface is pretty much the outer surface

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1 comment:

Ravali said...

i do agree with you but if you really believe in this theory of yours then you wouldn't indentify it with only yourself for you would realize that not only are what you call your inner and outself selves one, but that there is no such defining factor that separates you form any thing around you. the word "i", signifying an identity to self whose origin (birth) is but within the external, is not self indeed, for you belong not to yourself for you origined from this soil and this matter around you. and not merely the matter but everything including your soul is but not separated for it is one the external and internal . right. so why separate yourself from anyone else. look beyond. all is one. one in all.